Monday, July 28, 2008

The Journey

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Since I really really enjoy long walks on the beach, I figured I would quit my job and do it for 4 1/2 months. We chose Southeast Asia and the south pacific since it was a little more exotic then going to Europe or South America (which I hope to do when I get back, Rickygotravel Part II). Here are the destinations in order. Costa Rica, L.A., Samoa Islands, Apia, New Zealand, Australia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Fiji. Hope that you will enjoy my travel blog. I will update it as much as I can with lavishing photos of myself as well as the beautiful scenery. Bon Voyage!!


Anonymous said...


As I can tell, you are absorbing every detail of the finer and simpler things in life. Great life enhancing trip. I envy you in the best way.

Su primo D

Cade Colston said...

Oh Rarky, your travel blog is so cute. About as cute as me sitting in an office reading about how you're surfing everyday. Ahhhh! I'm so jealous. Live it up brotha. Pura Vida.

Unknown said...

I am so jealous!
I hope you have an amazing time.
I will read about it at work
and try not to kill myself.
-brent :)

Lince said...

A little more exotic than South America? Yeah because they, like, totally speak a different language in Aussieland and New Zealand and Fiji is, like, totally not a vaca spot for honeymooners like you and Taylor. Before my self-esteem goes under can you please tell me that I am a total bad-ass for spending over a year alone in S.A? Just kidding lover...I'm just bitter I am stuck studying exotic places in a house a block away from exotic 7-Eleven.

Brandon Sir Drumz Alot said...

Oh ya, you think your hot shit huh...

I got to stare at a cubicle wall for 6 hours today. In my mind I got to travel to far more exotic places. I even got to take a bathroom break... twice! Top that, I dare ya!

I hope you have a great vaca... keep posting so I can have something to read at work.

Brandon D

Unknown said...

That's great!!
With Adrien, we just come back from Tahiti for our honeymoon. That was amazing!! We scuba-dived with sharks, mantas, whales, dolphins, etc.

When do you plan to visit us in London? :-D You are more than welcome!

Floryse xx